Providing nonprofit leaders in Palm Beach and Broward counties with the opportunity to seek advice and to listen to how similar organizations were able to overcome the obstacles they are currently facing is the goal of Templeton & Company’s Quarterly Nonprofit Roundtable Luncheons. Templeton & Company’s May luncheon series will feature a presentation on Grant Writing by Rick Dunion from the Executive Service Corps of Broward. The Palm Beach event will be held on Wednesday, May 19,from Noon to 1:30 p.m.; the Broward event will be held on Wednesday, May 26, from Noon to 1:30 p.m.
“Our local nonprofit organizations do so much to help the community, we are happy to host events that can provide them with information that could make their jobs a little easier,” said Isabella Lunsford, Tax Partner, Templeton & Company.
For more information on these events, please e-mail