Nonprofits have to make every dollar count. Faced with increased funding competition, evolving technology, and changing regulations, nonprofits rely on Templeton’s nonprofit team for a myriad of requirements.
We have deep experience working with a full span of nonprofits ranging from civic, cultural organizations, foundations, faith-based organizations and educational institutions.
You never know when your not-for-profit might experience a financial blow. With the current efforts in Washington to slash expenses, some nonprofits have already lost federal funding and more may lose it in the near future. But that’s not the only risk. A significant grant from a foundation or state
The IRS regularly revokes the tax-exempt status of not-for-profits — mostly for failing to file annual information returns. Losing your exempt status can be devastating. Donors won’t be eligible to deduct contributions to your organization, grant-makers probably won’t even consider your applications and you may become retroactively liable for taxes.
Cost allocation probably isn’t your favorite task — particularly if your not-for-profit has many activities. Yet the process is critical because donors and funders want to know how your organization uses its financial resources. In addition, you likely need to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which are determined
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222 Lakeview Avenue
Suite 1200
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(561) 798-9988
Fax: (561) 798-4053
The Main
201 East Las Olas Boulevard
Suite 1650
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 333-0001
Fax: (954) 765-0719