Manufacturers and Distributors’ results are closely tied to their ability to market effectively and run an efficient operation. Demand is driven by cyclical business needs and the health of the economy.
We realize that sometimes, margins are razor-thin and without an automated operation, you may be working at a disadvantage. That’s where Templeton comes in. Our experience working in the manufacturing and distribution industries ensures first-rate service that facilitates effective financial reporting for internal management and third parties.
Our team focuses on issues affecting manufacturers and distributors, such as inventory valuation methods, uniform capitalization rules, and multi-state and local income and sales tax issues, and identifies valuable tax planning opportunities that can minimize tax burdens and increase day-to-day profitability.
Manufacturers are as varied as the products they make. They come in different sizes and specialties. So no universal formula applies when determining their value. Instead, a business valuator must fully understand the subject company’s operations to arrive at an accurate value conclusion. Here’s a closer look at seven factors
A feature examining the role of private equity in the manufacturing sector. As the healthcare industry embraces value-based payment models and providers evolve their business models to focus on outcomes, they’re looking to achieve more with less and optimize productivity. All the while, new technologies and automation are opening the
By John Lash Since the end of World War II, the United States has maintained and enjoyed an open posture toward foreign investment. In 2016, it remained the largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) globally, with an estimated inflow of $385 billion—a marked 11 percent increase from the year
Esperante Building
222 Lakeview Avenue
Suite 1200
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(561) 798-9988
Fax: (561) 798-4053
The Main
201 East Las Olas Boulevard
Suite 1650
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 333-0001
Fax: (954) 765-0719